The Advanced Programming Seminar Series
A weekly discussion, sponsored by the Center for RITES.
Schedule of Talks
- January 25th, Developing a New Software Product by Dr. Leland Wilkinson (23 attended)
- February 1st, Ethos Development by Mike Petullo (25 attended, recording)
- February 8th, iPhone Development by Dr. Eriksson (59 attended)
- February 15th, OSGi by Cosmin Stroe (30 attended)
- February 22nd, no session
- February 29th, Automatically fixing SQL-injection errors by Dr. Venkatakrishnan (27 attended)
- March 7th, no session
- March 14th, Agda by Alan Jeffrey of Bell Labs (24 attended)
- March 21st, no session
- March 28th, Git by Xu Zhang (28 attended)
- March 4th, no session
- March 11th, no session
- April 18th, no session
- April 25th, Android Development by Dr. Buy (47 attended)
Possible Future Topics
- PlanetLab
- make and other build tools
- Revision control systems
- Autotools
- Scala
The Advanced Programming Seminar Series meets each Wednesday from 12-1:00pm in SEO 1000. Each week, a seminar participant leads a discussion related to system programming; topics may include debugging, profiling, packaging, revision control, and programming language techniques for developing reliable system software. Pizza is provided.
The purpose of the seminar is three-fold:
- Sharing knowledge about relevant topics
- Improving students' ability to present technical material
- Increasing the interaction between our computer science labs
A typical session will include:
- A prepared, 3040-minute talk presented by a student (or faculty member)
- 10 minutes of questions
- A quick critique of the presentation
- A social period for the remaining scheduled time
Please email the coordinator W. Michael Petullo if you are interested in presenting a topic or have any questions.